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Katmandu to Istanbul (short)

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Back view of the fort
Heath clif attempting the prayer wheels Pekor Chode Giantse Tibet
More of pekor chode
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One of the Buddah statues Pekor Chode
Part of the ancient library some of the scrolls are 1000 years old
Tibetian Yaks
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Two ladies Spinning
Potala Palace Lassah
the thousand buddha cliffside sculpture Lassah
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A view of the square from the top of Jokhang Temple
Our trip by rail to Golmud
another view from the train
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wind farm between Glomud and Donhuang
the Moago Caves hand carved in to the cliffs
Cave entry ways the few exaples of the painted walls we were allowed to photo graph
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More cave paintings
this building holds a 9 story seted buddah
Camel riding Just outside Don Huang
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Me and Doug
Sunset over the Dunes
Sunrise over the Dunes
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Turist show Don Huang
The Ancient city of Jiaohe we were draged here very early in the morning to beat the crowds. definetly worth it.
Another shot from the city
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local nuclear power station Xian Province
Kashgar Meat market
Bread so much bread
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Our first Mosque Kashgar
Veggie Mart
Kashgar fashion district

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